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Welcome to Matt's Script Archive Help Center. If you are having problems setting up one of my scripts, there are several things you can do in order to get help. Please follow the steps below in order to receive help the fastest.

Read the file entitled README
With all of my major scripts comes a file called README bundled with everything else. Before you ask for help or even try and set your script up, I strongly suggest that you read this file. This file explains how to configure each variable, where to locate the files on your server and many other important aspects about setting the script up. The README files can also be found in hypertext format.
Check the Mega Script Archive Frequently Asked Questions
The Frequently Asked Questions Database is the next fastest way to get help. It contains answers to many questions that the help and myself receive all of the time. You might as well read this before you mail us, because if your question is in here, we are just going to point you back to it.
Check Hypermail Archive of Scripts-Help and WWW-Scripts
This archive will answer MANY of your questions, and since they have already been answered, you will get a much quicker response time than you would ifyou mail me or scripts-help. We might not answer your question via e-mail if it can be found at this archive. Please check here first.

Without the help of a Scripts Archive Help Team, things would go back to the way they used to be, where I had to answer everything and didn't have time to work on anything. Now that there are volunteers to help answer the help mail that you send, I have more time to write new scripts and modify old ones that need new features. Thank you.

[ Mega Script Archive ]